السبت، 7 أبريل 2018

How to Increase new patient volume by 20% in the next year ?

Goal: Increase new patient volume by 20% in the next year

Strategy: Improve patient experience to inspire more word-of-mouth referrals
Tactics:Institute quarterly customer service training sessions for staff and owners
Create incentive program for staff based on increased referral volume
Devote one staff meeting per month to new ideas for improving patient experience 
– Create and display framed posters in reception areas defining your unwavering patient satisfaction commitment
Strategy: Leverage relationships with established patients and improved patient experience for more word-of-mouth referrals
Develop and institute new patient satisfaction survey. Leave space on survey for happy patients to refer others.
Ask patients for referrals at opportune times (as appropriate)
Staff supports owner(s) with additional encouragement to patients to refer when the opportunity presents itself
Post “Thank You For Referring” bulletin board in reception area with names of patients who have referred others

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