السبت، 2 يونيو 2018

The Topics of The Healthcare Analytics Summit 18

صورة ذات صلة

Some of the topics HAS 18 will address include
  • How Netflix, a nimble digital startup, toppled the market-leader Blockbuster and what parallels there are for digital innovators competing against entrenched healthcare models.
  • Whether value-based care is accelerating or slowing down, and where the data-driven innovations are coming from.
  • Why only 8% of the data needed for population health and precision medicine are contained in typical EHR systems, and where the rest of the necessary data will come from.
  • How quickly digital applications that collect patient data are proliferating.
  • Which new digital innovators are using data to shake up the system in the payer, employer, and hospital segments.
  • How quickly AI and machine learning enhancement are happening and what is needed for quicker acceleration.
  • How patients of the future will have the ability to collect and monitor their own data.

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