الخميس، 7 يونيو 2018

An artificial intelligence platform for management of congenital cataracts

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪congenital cataracts‬‏

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to prevent and treat diseases is an ultimate goal in computational medicine. Although AI has been developed for screening and assisted decision-making in disease prevention and management, it has not yet been validated for systematic application in the clinic. In the context of rare diseases, the main strategy has been to build specialized care centres; however, these centres are scattered and their coverage is insufficient, which leaves a large proportion of rare-disease patients with inadequate care. Here, we show that an AI agent using deep learning, and involving convolutional neural networks for diagnostics, risk stratification and treatment suggestions, accurately diagnoses and provides treatment decisions for congenital cataracts in an in silico test, in a website-based study, in a ‘finding a needle in a haystack’ test and in a multihospital clinical trial. We also show that the AI agent and individual ophthalmologists perform equally well. Moreover, we have integrated the AI agent with a cloud-based platform for multihospital collaboration, designed to improve disease management for the benefit of patients with rare diseases.

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